Thursday, August 2, 2018

Each One Teah One

 It was recently said that Gabrielle Union had a talk with her young step-sons about the Black women they found to be beautiful. I guess they were in a position to where they were looking at girls on social media and she noticed that all the women they deemed attractive were either very light or of mixed ethnicity. Now as you can see her step-sons are clearly a reflection of their both Black parents. So if the only women they feel are attractive aren't even close to how their own mother looks, let alone their step-mom, where are they getting these ideas? Are Black men groomed from a young age not to see the beauty in Black women? It would appear so. According to Union

" “Literally, probably about 10 girls I looked at had the same light skin, curly hair, tiny waist, butt, boobs — it was the same girl over and over again,” she said. “So I asked them to show me the most beautiful chocolate sister they’ve seen. They say there are none. I was like, ‘Why do they get exed out so fast? What is happening in your brain that is causing you to look at these women through a prism that is distorting their actual selves?"

Honestly, I can see why these talks have to be had since a lot of the beauty and music industry only promote certain types of beauty.
What are your thoughts?