Thursday, August 2, 2018

Each One Teah One

 It was recently said that Gabrielle Union had a talk with her young step-sons about the Black women they found to be beautiful. I guess they were in a position to where they were looking at girls on social media and she noticed that all the women they deemed attractive were either very light or of mixed ethnicity. Now as you can see her step-sons are clearly a reflection of their both Black parents. So if the only women they feel are attractive aren't even close to how their own mother looks, let alone their step-mom, where are they getting these ideas? Are Black men groomed from a young age not to see the beauty in Black women? It would appear so. According to Union

" “Literally, probably about 10 girls I looked at had the same light skin, curly hair, tiny waist, butt, boobs — it was the same girl over and over again,” she said. “So I asked them to show me the most beautiful chocolate sister they’ve seen. They say there are none. I was like, ‘Why do they get exed out so fast? What is happening in your brain that is causing you to look at these women through a prism that is distorting their actual selves?"

Honestly, I can see why these talks have to be had since a lot of the beauty and music industry only promote certain types of beauty.
What are your thoughts?

Friday, July 27, 2018

Self-Love Is The Best Love

I absolutely love this art concept. Sistas we've come a long way in the natural hair movement but we still have a ways to go. We have to start teaching our young girls early to love the hair they were born with. I cringe when I hear some Sistas say their natural hair doesn't look "right" on them. We need to love every inch of what we were blessed with from our vast texture of hair and skin tones.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

So What's The Deal....

With them constantly testing Serena Williams for drugs and not everyone else? These people can't stand the fact she's a natural, born CHAMPION!  I'm all for athletes being drug tested but there has to be some fairness about the whole thing. At this point, Serena is being targeted and for what? This woman has never had a dirty test. Meanwhile, people that are doing drugs are getting away with it.

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Friday, July 20, 2018

Look Out Weekend,It's Margarita Time!

Just in time for the weekend Sistas! Delicious Margaritas & A Berry Wine Slushy along with a tasty appetizer of Latin Spiced Wings to kick off the weekend. Invite a few Sistas over for a great time. Stay safe and enjoy!

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Epitome Of Self-Made

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Last week the internet was in a frenzy due to the fact Kylie Jenner was on the cover of Forbes magazine being touted as a self-made millionaire. How? When did the definition of "self-made" become so skewed that a person who is already rich can claim the title as self-made? Come on now people. If you have millions already sitting in the bank to drop on any venture you like, I'm sorry, in my book that does not make you self-made. But enough about Kylie. Let's talk about a woman who is really self-made. Pat McGrath. The valuation of her company has been estimated at 1 billion dollars and she's also secured a 60 million dollar deal with New York-based firm Eurazeo Brands. Pat Mcgrath has worked in the trenches of the beauty industry with various brands and designers for years. Pat McGrath's line has been a staple in Sephora stores since 2016. She's certainly put in the time, work and effort to wear the title self-made with pride.

Image result for pat mcgrath cosmetics

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Will This Marriage Last More Than A Minute?

Well, news broke early Wednesday morning that Singer Faith and hit Producer and reality T.V. Star, Stevie J had obtained a marriage license. It was later confirmed that the two then married the same day in their hotel room. The couple had previously been linked together but word on the street was that they'd ended their relationship. Apparently not. Though who would be surprised if this was all just a publicity stunt to promote their new single dropping July 27th. I for one am here for it....the song that it. Sounds like a hit to me.
Of course, Joseline Hernandez his ex and mother to one of his children had something to say. Joseline wanted the world to know Stevie was just asking her to marry him. Again. Remember that whole hoax of a marriage? At any rate, congratulations newlyweds. I hope this marriage lasts more than "A Minute"

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the shaderoom,madam noire,ebony magazine,baller alert,

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Sistas Do We Want Eye Candy Or Soul Food?

Well, Sistas what do you think? Word on the street is that actor Michael B.Jordon is living his best life and partying it up in Italy. It's said he hosted a party and actively made sure no Black women were in attendance. Only non-Black women were allowed to kick it with him and his friends. Okay, Mike, it's your party. You have every right to only have who you want in attendance. Are we shocked though? I'm not. It's par for the course of a lot of men in Hollyweird these days. They want to build upon the backs of Black women and when they reach the top, they could care less about Black women.  Yes, the brother is working hard to make a name for himself but the fans do help. A lot. Sistas you better start promoting the men who are down for you. I sat back and watched Black women grow excited at seeing him all up in Lupita's face. Many were openly expressing wanting them to date one another " Look how he's looking at her" swooning. It's never going to happen. I'd bet a million dollars we never see this man dating a Black woman publicly or privately. Oh well.

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Enjoying the company of Becky in Portofino,Italy

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This was never going to be a thing. But Lupita at the time had a bigger name in the industry than he did. So, of course, why not smile all up in her face?

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Queen Of Ass Shots

Sistas watch this very interesting video on one of the women who put "butt shots" of the map. Kimberly Smedly was so known and widely used, law enforcement was on to her and she served jail time as well as probation for performing these illegal injections. Smedly refused to snitch on the real doctor she was getting the silicone from so she served more time according to her. Smedly also does a very poor job of covering up the celebrities she gave injections too. She alludes to the fact she gave Nikki Minaj and Whitney Houston butt injections. She was also widely known in the transgender community for doing what are called "pumping parties" We as women need to be careful about who we let perform procedures to our bodies. Social media will have women thinking you are required to have a body type you just weren't born with.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday Motivation...

If the person you're involved with doesn't see the potential in you. Don't give them another second of your time.

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