Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Sistas Do We Want Eye Candy Or Soul Food?

Well, Sistas what do you think? Word on the street is that actor Michael B.Jordon is living his best life and partying it up in Italy. It's said he hosted a party and actively made sure no Black women were in attendance. Only non-Black women were allowed to kick it with him and his friends. Okay, Mike, it's your party. You have every right to only have who you want in attendance. Are we shocked though? I'm not. It's par for the course of a lot of men in Hollyweird these days. They want to build upon the backs of Black women and when they reach the top, they could care less about Black women.  Yes, the brother is working hard to make a name for himself but the fans do help. A lot. Sistas you better start promoting the men who are down for you. I sat back and watched Black women grow excited at seeing him all up in Lupita's face. Many were openly expressing wanting them to date one another " Look how he's looking at her" swooning. It's never going to happen. I'd bet a million dollars we never see this man dating a Black woman publicly or privately. Oh well.

Image result for michael b jordan

Enjoying the company of Becky in Portofino,Italy

Image result for michael b jordan

This was never going to be a thing. But Lupita at the time had a bigger name in the industry than he did. So, of course, why not smile all up in her face?

the shaderoom,madam noire,ebony magazine,baller alert,


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